Member-only story
May The 4th Be With You!
I don’t go out. I don’t seek extracurricular entertainment. I don’t make new friends. A small part of me blames the pandemic, but a much larger more realistic part of me blames me. I’m fine with the people I know, the friends I have, and being a homebody. I’ve turned into my dad to a certain extent. I have my family, I’m good. Don’t get me wrong, I go for walks and stuff. I don’t want to murder anyone in their sleep. But where you might know me from the social media, in real life I’m more about the anti-social media. #sorrynotsorry
To be clear, this is not a cry for help. My point is that I don’t really know anyone. I get emails and messages from the schools and temple and assorted communities, but they’re just a combination of letters that form a name. I wouldn’t recognize their human form out in the world.
The other day I got an email from a woman who heads the PTO. She is getting things together for Teacher Appreciation Week — so I’m appreciative and grateful for her. I always respond and donate and do my part. I’m not a misanthropic shut-in. Well, maybe a little.
But I digress.
Included in the email was a pdf to print out for Judah that he could fill in about his teachers. (It’s to be part of a memory book). Normally I would print this in black and white draft mode, but I recognized the importance of it so I went full…