Gumshoe Dad

Stephen H Stein
4 min readJan 4, 2023

Judah’s been collecting colored wrist bands at the pool service desk. He’s there a lot. The other day we were in the hot tub as a couple staff members walked past pushing a cart filled with fresh towels.

“Hi, Judah,” they said.

“Oh, hi, guys!”

Judah is the mayor of the pool area.

This morning we were having breakfast, which is located right next to the pool. While Nola feverishly colored in the kids menus, Judah decorated some wooden coffee stirrers.

“I’m going to give these to the workers as a present.”

“That’s so sweet, Judah,” said Pam.

“Nice, bud,” I said.

Judah ran them over, but when he came back he still had two.

“Did they not want them,” I asked.

“I only gave them one to share. These are for me.”

“You want me to put those in my purse for later,” asked Pam.

“No, I’m going to hold them.”

And that’s where our adventure begins, although adventure isn’t really the right word. Short exploit?

Pam went up to the room to start packing for our next place — an Airbnb. But, of course, 5 minutes later Judah decided he wanted to put his stirrers in his backpack, which was up in the room.

