Go, Donald! Go!

Stephen H Stein
2 min readJan 22, 2017

You did it. Whether by lying, being outrageous, tweeting constantly tweeting, or bullying. Perhaps it was with help from the Russians or your Celebrity Apprentice celebrity. Maybe by being divisive and stoking fear/hate/racism/xenophobia/misogyny/etc. It could have been the weak GOP field. Or even the DNC imploding and offering a candidate who was a perfect foil to your relentless attacks.

But you did it.

Now you’re president.

Credit where credit’s due.


Now quit whining and crying about bad optics and get to work. There are lots of reasons no one came to your inauguration. An obvious one is that you did not win the popular vote. But also not everyone can afford to just go to DC for the weekend. Although the Women’s March suggests that if there’s a will there is a way, so…


Still, not everyone is into pageantry. Or fanfare. And lots of people have to go to Target to get supplies for the games this weekend. Go Packers!

But I digress.

Nonetheless, I feel you. It was embarrassing. And humiliating. ‘Sad!’

But don’t make Spicer go out and blatantly lie like that. Jeez! That was terrible. You’re only making it worse. Much much worse.

Alternative facts?

(Credibility, see window.)

You love this country? You want to represent ALL Americans? The people? You want to make America great? Again? Then do it. Just do it. No pouting. No tantrums. Stand up tall, be a man. Make us all fools for not attending/watching your inauguration. Show us what you got. Make us proud. Because you did it. You’re president. We’re counting on you. Which means you’re accountable.

So go, Donald. Go!

