Member-only story
But My Haircut
For dinner I had lasagna. I made it myself. Meat and cheese and spinach. Tomato sauce. It was delicious. I mean it was really good. I added extra meat and cheese. And while I was browning the meat I had a few test bites. Maybe more that a few. Same with the cheese.
Cheese can kind of back me up. I might actually be lactose intolerant. I don’t know. Sometimes it’s not an issue, sometimes it is. I usually just ‘work through it’ and not worry about it.
Next day I’m at work. I’m consulting with a place over on Franklin. They’re in a 10 story building and they’re on the top floor. It’s beautiful view, but it’s important to note there are no floors above them. They have the top floor. No penthouse floor. It’s a 10 story building. Period.
We work till about 11. They’ve got a call with someone else and then they’re going to break for lunch. I have another meeting across town at 11:30 so it’s just as well.
But the whole time I could feel my stomach stretch and distend. Nothing grumbly or noisy. Nothing to give myself away. But I could tell that as far as my body composition being solid, liquid, or gas… I was mostly gas.
I said goodbye and waited for the elevator. Then I got in the elevator. And as soon as those doors closed I farted. I’d be lying to say that fart didn’t feel good. It felt…