I like to craft. Twine bottles, pet rocks, blank puzzles from Michael’s. It’s calming and meditative. Time just slips by. And over the course of any ‘enterprise’ I start developing ‘techniques’ as I’m ‘self-taught’…
To be clear, none of my pet rock techniques are particularly extraordinary. No one’s minds are going to be blown. The most someone might say is, “Oh, stickers.” Or, “I like how you unraveled the yarn.”
I’m sure if I took a class I’d get to the next level faster, but I’m cool stumbling along where I am.
Sigh, I’ve already taken too much of your time.
I had some extra pet rocks left over from a block party activity years ago so I gave them away at Halloween last year. It was part of my wife’s CAN YOU PLEASE GET RID OF SOME OF THIS CRAP initiative.
The pandemic sucked, but it also changed some things for the better. I think we all wash our hands more. I like to believe we’re all a little more sensitive to people who have compromised immune systems. And for Halloween at our house, we place a bench across our walk…