Better Living Through Dentistry
a quick scene…
Ella, my 9yo daughter, is in the dental chair and has just been examined by the orthodontist…
Orthodontist: So her upper jaw is growing faster than her lower jaw.
Steve: Dammit, Ella, we’ve talked about this.
Steve: I’m just kidding.
Orthodontist: Oh, because we talk about that everyday here.
Steve: Right.
Orthodontist: So, uh, we’re just going to keep an eye on her and give her some time and see if that lower jaw catches up.
Steve (miming a face wrap): So we’re not going to have to bind her or anything?
Orthodontist: That was a joke.
Steve: Yes.
Orthodontist (to Ella): You didn’t tell me about your dad.
Ella: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Steve: I have her on retainer, which is probably different from the one… never mind, I’ll just see myself out.